Hi, friends! Long time no see. There is literally no excuse for my absence. I had an excuse in mind before, but I don't have one anymore, to be honest.
But I'm back with a new blogpost about something that God has been teaching me to do lately, which is walking by faith and not by sight. Elyssa Smith, a worship singer that I love so much, likened walking by faith and not by sight to wearing a blindfold and running. In her words, this means “walking by faith when you can’t always see what’s ahead, yet choosing to run full force with deep trust in God.”
The uncertainty of life sometimes makes it seem like we are wearing a literal blindfold. But the difference for me and anyone who believes in the death and resurrection of Jesus is that Someone is holding our hands and leading us. His name is Jesus. His guidance makes life less daunting. Now, instead of leaning on our own ability to keep ourselves from stumbling, making the wrong choices, or being in the wrong situations, we lean and trust in the only One who sees the big picture.
The foundation of my Christian journey is faith; believing that it is true that Jesus Christ died and rose again on the third day. And since this journey started, God has been teaching me to trust Him. I think back to certain things that happened in the very early years of my Christian journey and how God was teaching me to trust that His leadership is perfect in my life and everything works together for my good, but I struggled to grasp His teaching. It’s been almost five years into this journey, and I still struggle to grasp it sometimes.
A prayer that is constantly on my heart is that God helps me to not have spiritual amnesia, so I do not forget how faithful He was yesterday and worry that He would cease being faithful today. Unlike humans who are prone to be inconsistent due to our humanity, God isn’t. He is always consistent. Hence, Hebrews 13:8, which tells us that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His character is the same and it can be trusted.
Sometime two years ago, the unpredictability of life used to bother me a lot and I took this to God in prayer. This was my conclusion after writing to Him exactly how I felt: “Even when the things I’m scared about happen, I know You are with me and one day, I’ll be with You, staring at Your holiness and worshipping You forever. So, while I’m scared about what those things will do to me, I’ll lean into the One that is present during everything I do not understand. You still love me so much.”
This is still my disposition as a recent 21-year-old; choosing to enter into His safe arms. This is what living by faith and not by sight is, it’s like wearing a blindfold and instead of staggering and walking slowly, trying to mind your steps, you are running. Lately, I have been seeing God’s hands in seemingly small things. He has been assuring me of His love and faithfulness in such thoughtful ways that I could just cry thinking about it (like the crybaby I am, lol). Seeing His hands in the little things is an assurance and a reminder that He is also present in the big things because they aren’t out of His reach. So, even in the unpredictability of life, this remains constant: God will never leave us nor forsake us, and He is for us.
May we let go of our worries and always place our trust in the God who shows, time and time again, that He can be trusted. That’s what He desires, and like an obedient child, I will trust my Father. His light has shone in my heart, so although having faith is like wearing a blindfold and running, I will not stumble because I run in light and His word is my sight. It is lamp unto my feet and light to my path (Psalm 119:105).
Hebrews 11 is rich with the stories of men and women of faith who lived by faith and not by sight, and testified to the truth of God’s absolute faithfulness. I have great examples to follow, therefore, I will run this race God has set before me, and I will run it well with my eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” - II Corinthians 5:7 NKJV