Happy Easter! Welcome to my favourite holiday. What makes Easter my favourite holiday is how chill, yet very significant, it is because of what we, as believers, celebrate: the death and resurrection of Jesus. Some people have probably heard the word, "Easter," many times since they were kids that it has become a regular holiday for them. This used to be me until 2020, when I made a conscious decision to deeply reflect on the events of Jesus’ death and resurrection and its significance.
Today, I’ll be sharing five things I’ve done, and I’m planning to do, this Easter to help me understand the significance of the events that took place over two thousand years ago. Side note: these five things are not restricted to Easter, they should be a continuous practice for us as believers.
1. Slow down
As humans living in a fast-paced world, we all have the tendency to not take the time to reflect on things, and sometimes, this extends to the things of God. This Easter, resist the urge to gloss over the events of Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection, and days before His ascension. Instead, dwell on them as you study the Bible. The reactions, the emotions, the instructions Jesus gave His disciples and by extension, us. Erin Davis, a writer at She Reads Truth, said something about this in a devotional, and it has stuck with me. She said, “When we gloss over what Jesus endured for us, we miss something huge: there was no cost He was unwilling to pay to rescue us.”
I started doing this in Easter 2020, and it has honestly transformed how I approach Easter. If you can, watch a show or movie about the events that took place (eg. the well-known The Passion of Christ movie). You can also listen to sermons that speak about the events in detail.
2. Ask questions
One of the most important things we can learn to do is to ask questions about what we study in the Bible. As you meditate on the events surrounding Jesus' death and resurrection, questions may arise. When they do, you can speak with your friends who are also believers, your pastor, mentor, or anyone on the same Christian journey as you. You can even ask God questions. He’s not scared of them, neither do they make Him annoyed or angry with you. Please note that questions are not accusations. The same way you would want someone to approach you is the same way you should approach God and the believers you speak with.
Some questions you can ask and reflect on are: Why did Jesus have to die? What does it mean that Jesus died? Why on a cross? What is salvation, anyway? What does it mean that Christ is risen? How does that change the way I live in any way? I’m open to discussing these questions with you, if you’d like. So, feel free to send me an email or a DM.
3. Appreciate and celebrate endless life in Christ
From 1 Thessalonians 5:18, we learn that it's God's will for us to always live in a constant state of gratitude. This also extends to being grateful for what Jesus did on our behalf. But even more this season, make a conscious decision to be grateful. Celebrate it with friends (a dinner or hangout if possible), or with family. Play joyful songs, dance, rejoice like you were one of the people Mary first told about the resurrection of Jesus.
What Jesus did is Good News. In fact, it’s the best news. He came on earth to die so He can draw all men to Himself. Because of what He did, we can now be called children of God. We now have the hope of eternal life. Death is now dead, and life everlasting is now our reality. This greatest act of love and kindness is worth celebrating.
4. Tell someone about the significance of what Jesus did on the cross
You can start the conversation by asking them what Easter means to them, or if they’re celebrating Easter. Then, you can tell them what Easter means to you by sharing the gospel. Don’t just make a “He is Risen” post, as good as that is. Share more.
One of the ways you can do this effectively is by asking yourself questions like I said earlier. By asking and getting the answers to your questions, you become more rooted in what you believe in, and you’ll also be more confident to tell others about your belief and the reason for the hope you have.
5. Live in constant remembrance of what Jesus has done
The four activities listed above don’t end after Easter. The fact that He is risen is something you should always reflect on, declare, and live out. Don’t restrict the pictures and message of the cross to Easter, continue to share it beyond this season. This is a command Jesus has given every one of us that believe in Him. Matthew 28:19-20 says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you."
The season of Easter is a very beautiful one, and the little break we get from work or school should be spent pondering on what makes the season really beautiful. Actually, I should say "who" makes the season really beautiful: Jesus Christ. So, spend it wisely. You’ll learn more about Him and the gravity of the suffering He went through to save us from our sins.
My prayer for us right now is a prayer inspired by my devotional. I pray that Jesus teaches us not to look away from the suffering He endured on the cross and the victory He won over sin and death. I pray that we live fully aware that death no longer has a sting and sin no longer has power over us. Jesus, the King, has overcome!
Once again, Happy Easter!
Don't forget to check out the verse and declarations of the week before the new ones go up soon!